Packly debut in Düsseldorf for Interpack 2017 was really amazing!


Young and with desire to grow

For some time, though not everyone knows our service yet, we are already active on the international market. Anyway, being a startup, we are far from achieving all the customers we might have… but, thanks to this fair, we certainly succeed in leaping forward.

Being an exhibition with a lot of packaging design gurus, it was a unique occasion for us (at least for the next three years!) to meet many specialists from all over the world. Visitors that, at a first glance and after some short explanation, were able to find out and appreciate the outstanding features of our service.

Professional and precise die-cut templates, 3D custom virtual models generated in real time and manufacturing times nobody has never seen before: our new followers finally found what was missing on the market for a long time, as they constantly told us.


What’s behind it?

Those who believed that Packly hid some kind of offline software to create and customize die-cut templates were glad (with a huge surprise) to change their idea. No software, only codes and algorithms entirely written by our super development team!

Packly is what you see and doesn’t need any external system to be like it is. Even if you thought the same, you’re in time to turn back.

Parameterized die-cuts templates automatically designed according to complex mathematics formulas, 3D custom previews viewable online in just a few seconds and printed boxes manufactured within two days. Everything is possible, today, thanks to Packly!


A booth to enjoy

Beyond the several explanations and introductions of our service we gave the chance to Interpack visitors to enjoy it as well. Souvenir pictures under the renowned glass gallery of Messe Düsseldorf together with frames and balloons made by Packly and amazing useful shopping bags to easily carry all the fair materials. A lot of smiles and laughs surrounded the long fair days!

Both initiatives were largely appreciated, thanks to our photo booth we were officially invited to visit the HP booth 🙂

Deborah Corn Packly HP


Our shopping bags literally invaded all the Interpack halls, giving us the chance to be discovered and visited. A very ace in the hole 🙂  


Packly photo booth Interpack

Shopping bags Packly duesseldorf #interpack17

Messe Duesseldorf Packly

Packly booth packaging design Duesseldorf

custom packaging online Packly

Packly booth #interpack17